Duraluxe’s parent company Decoral is an Italian Company, and in 1994 they patented a process to coat and decorate with sublimation aluminum.  It started because Italy has very old buildings and structures, and they needed to maintain old style looks when wanted to upgrade outside doors, and frames with newer materials.  Decoral was able to replicate the woodgrain look on the aluminum materials.  They have continued to innovate coating processes and materials throughout the years until they launched the Duraluxe line of 8 unique styles of coated sheet aluminum, that has a 5 year outdoor warranty.


You can certainly get Duraluxe in many different sizes, but one of the best qualities of the material is that you can easily shear it to the size you need with an inexpensive tabletop shear.  You can also round the corners with a table top corner rounding shear.  The coating is very durable and will not chip or flake off on the edges after shearing either.  You can also bend Duraluxe after sublimating it without harming the coating or the image.  This allows you to make multi-dimensional sublimated products such as table tents that stand on their own.


Duraluxe’s eight unique coatings can certainly be used for Photo Panels or Signage, and it is perfectly suited to play outside in the sun with its five year outdoor warranty.  Duraluxe for signage is a one step process.  You sublimate the sign piece, and there is no need to overlaminate it.  The sublimated sign will have UV durability, weatherability, and five of the coating styles have built in Anti-grafitti characteristics, again without overlaminating or any additional steps.  Since sublimation is full digital color, you can incorporate digital photographs into your signage which can help make them visibly captivating and appealing.  They say, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”  Signs have a limited space to present a given message, so being able to incorporate digital photos, helps with that messaging.

The very durable coatings work well for custom backsplashes, or amazing shower surrounds.  A couple of the styles also perform very well in low traffic flooring applications.  Last year a giant project was completed at a Moscow Metro Station using 800 4’x8’ sheets of sublimation decorated Duraluxe sheeting used to create a stunning façade, and wall coverings portraying an art mural.


Duraluxe is a sublimation aluminum that is very versatile, and of the highest quality.  Its UV durability is the best in the industry, and has been proven and tested through many years.

Shop Duraluxe

9-11 15 Years Later at Norton Point Coney Island

9-11 15 Years Later

9-11 15 years later is a video taken from the spot where me and my friend Tony watch the attacks take place on 9-11-01. Video location is Norton Point Sea gate NY


I take pictures a few times a week from this location . They can be viewed at Sea Gate Sunsetter

2016 Dro Down Skim Boarding Competition

2016 Dro Down Skim Boarding Competition Presented By Dro Binge

2016 Dro Down Skim Boarding Competition Presented By Dro Binge is upon us. Only a few weeks away and it will be held on the newly renovated Sea Gate Beach. A great Time will be had by all as in past years.


2016 Dro Down


Coney Island Sunset

Coney Island Sunset After The Storm

A Coney Island Sunset After The Storm was the last thing on my mind after a day of running errands.

Relaxing after a long day. Me and my wife and my youngest daughter was sitting upstairs watching the thunderstorm from my bedroom looking out over Neptune Ave.

The Thunderstorm was tremendous and there was plenty of Lightening lighting up the sky. At 1 point the lightening was so bright my wife said it look like the people across the street were taking pictures with a bright flash!

Time to relax.

I was sitting and taking a break from reality with my good friend “BamaDiver” and playing Tom Clancy’s “The Division” an online Game while waiting for the storm to pass. I didn’t Think there would be a pretty sunset.

Sunset Early warning system.

I say to 1 of my daughters “Do you think it’s going to be a good sunset tonight?” She was not sure so I look out the window and see that the side of the house next to me is glowing pink! Usually After dinner a like a good Sea Gate Sunsetter does I look out of the window to see if the ally between my house and my next door neighbors is lit up nice from the sunset and see if its going to be a good night to catch the sunset. Kind of like a “early warning system”. 

Coney Island Sunset After The Storm

The Ocean looks like its ablaze its so Orange.

Photo Credit Stan Reisler All Rights Reserved.

All Photos and Videos taken on July 25th 2016 in Sea Gate on Nortons Point.

The Sea Gate Sunsetters Club is a FaceBook Group.